Erickson for Feldenkrais Practitioners with Dr. Eric Greenleaf
Introductory Class
Recorded on September 14, 2020; click on the picture to the left to play the video
to be followed by a five-week course in October
Please scroll down for more information
Erickson for Feldenkrais Practitioners: Language, Trance, Movement, 2nd Series
Date: October 3rd to 31st (5 Saturdays) Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Pacific Time (7:30 - 9:30 pm Central European)
Cost: $200
All classes will be recorded and available for streaming later.
Click here to register!
Class Topics:
1. Hypnosis: "Telling Stories Where They Belong"
2. Deep Trance: The Deep Sea Freediver
3. A Pain Map. Shared Group Exercise
4. Advanced Unconscious Mind Therapies
5. Passing the Trance. Shared Group Exercise
Each 2 hour online class includes didactic, experiential and explanatory portions, with time for Q&A
The 1st series is available as an online streaming course:
“To initiate this type of therapy you have to be yourself as a person. You cannot imitate somebody else, but you have to do it your own way.” - Milton Erickson
“You only have to be your own self.” - Moshe Feldenkrais
“If you can’t imitate him, don’t copy him.” - Yogi Berra
Eric Greenleaf, Ph.D. Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of the Bay Area, has treated with, presented and written about hypnotherapy for fifty years. He researches Balinese healing trance ceremonies and healers, and teaches professionals internationally. Dr. Erickson chose Eric to receive the first Milton H. Erickson Award of Scientific Excellence for Writing in Hypnosis. Eric practices in the San Francisco Bay Area, and now completely online. His book, The Problem of Evil: Ancient Dilemmas and Modern Therapy, has been published in English, Spanish and Chinese.